Archives par mot-clé : OPPT

F-10-Le nom, la personne et l’être humain…

… ou la grande tromperie juridique

Article précédent: F-09-Avancer comme des individus unifiés

traduit et adapté selon un texte de Roland Herlicska

C’est bien connu, la pub nous manipule pour nous faire consommer toujours plus, il est moins connu que les masse-médias nous trompent également.

L’être humain, créé par Dieu ou produit actuel de l’évolution des espèces, selon la vision personnelle de chacun, est une partie de l’univers et à ce titre soumis à des lois qui le dépassent. Composé de matière et d’esprit ou énergie, il naît et meurt au travers de son enveloppe corporelle. Son âme est immuable, éternelle, car l’énergie ne peut se perdre.

removing-the-shacklesCet être humain, esprit divin ou cet être évolutionniste, le seul sur terre à disposer d’une conscience, ne peut être corseté par un système juridique, car il n’est soumis qu’à la Création ou la Loi Universelle dont il fait partie intégrante. Mais on a fini par créer une fiction autour de cet être, lui donner un nom, un stratagème au moyen duquel il a été possible de l’intégrer à un système juridique par son acceptation tacite d’agir pour cette personne fictive avec ce nom. Il n’existe pas de loi, en France ou sur terre, qui puisse pousser cet être humain à agir pour le compte de cette fiction, de ce nom qu’elle porte et qui devient un homme de paille. Demandez à avoir des preuves, demandez à des juges, des procureurs, des avocats, à la police, aux fonctionnaires de justice partout dans le monde. Personne ne pourra vous fournir cette preuve, car elle n’existe pas.

La connaissance est la base de toute philosophie juridique et des sciences juridiques sur terre, à savoir que l’être humain ne peut être atteint par aucun droit, aucune loi publique sur terre. Pour contrecarrer cet état de fait, on érige autour du nom, de la personne physique cette chose sans droits (§90 BGB = code civil allemand, correspondance française à trouver), une montagne de lois et de décrets pour rendre l’être humain totalement confus, le faire descendre de ce droit naturel et du droit commercial privé – jus cogens(1) ou norme acceptée – qui constituent du droit inaliénable de l’être humain et qui ne peut être négocié, se trouvant dans la hiérarchie des droits directement sous le Créateur ou la Loi cosmique, au niveau du cinquième rang en-dessous de l’être humain qui est celui du droit public national. En plus, on le pousse, dans l’ignorance de sa situation, des innombrables lois et des pratiques dans un tribunal, à se mettre sous la coupe d’un avocat qui n’est qu’au service de ce système de manipulation, parfois lui-même dans l’ignorance la plus totale.

Dans le code civil allemand, il est écrit à l’article 10 sur le nom: « Le nom d’une personne est soumis au droit du pays auquel cette personne appartient. » Vous en avez donc maintenant la preuve. Seuls le nom et la personne sont soumis à ce droit, mais pas l’être humain. Le mot « personne » n’est utilisé ici que comme enveloppe, comme masque que l’on plaque sur l’être humain s’il se laisse faire, afin de représenter ces milliards de caractères, d’émotions, d’apparences, de consciences sous un seul terme et le représenter et le gérer en tant que chose inerte, morte. L’être humain ne peut même pas être défini de manière précise, comment pourrait-il alors être administré et jugé contre sa volonté? Conclusion: Devenons à nouveau des êtres authentiquement humains, et ne nous laissons pas tromper et envahir par des systèmes et cercles juridiques.

Levons-nous et agissons en tant qu’être vivant doté d’une âme, mais non pas pour ces entités fictives, sans vie. Agissons d’être humain à être humain avec toute la courtoisie, le respect, la compréhension et l’amour du prochain, nous n’avons guère besoin de plus. Aidons les plus vulnérables et fragiles.

Pour un être humain authentiquement libre
Roland Herlicska

Roland Herlicska est engagé en Allemagne dans l’autonomie et l’autogestion des êtres humains.

oppt-fb-miroir« Quiconque se regarde dans le miroir de l’eau voit tout d’abord sa propre image. Quiconque se tourne vers lui-même risque une rencontre avec son Moi. Le miroir ne flatte pas, il montre fidèlement ce qui le regarde, à savoir ce visage que nous ne montrons jamais au monde, car nous le cachons par la personne, par le masque du comédien. Mais le miroir se trouve derrière le masque et montre le vrai visage. C’est la première leçon de courage sur le chemin intérieur, une leçon qui suffit pour que la plupart la rejette, car le rendez-vous avec soi-même fait partie des choses plutôt désagréables que l’on peut éviter, tant que l’on peut projeter tout ce qui est négatif en soi sur son entourage. »

Carl Gustav Jung – 1875-1961
Psychiatre suisse

(1) Le jus cogens regroupe les normes impératives de droit international général. Cette notion est définie par la Convention de Vienne du 23 mai 1969 dans son article 53.

Et depuis que je me suis formée à ces nouveautés, je n’écris plus mon nom de famille en lettres majuscules Sofia DELARTE, mais Sofia Delarte, car les lettres majuscules sont réservées aux villes, aux personnes mortes et aux entreprises, toutes trois des choses, pas des êtres humains dotés d’une âme et d’une conscience.

S09-Moving forward as “The One People”

Previous article

The One People’s Public Trust represents a massive paradigm shift. It provides a structural change that will enable a long-overdue energetic change.

The OPPT ratifies our freedom as Beings of the Creator in perpetuity. It corrects by law the imbalances of poverty, inequity and unsustainability. It provides a platform through which we can all experience the wonders and resources of our planet. And by removing the façade of corporate entities and the ridiculous protocols that protected its perpetrators, we will energetically reconnect with each other. As Beings. In full liability. Each with
equity. As we are. Free.

We are in a period of massive social, political and spiritual transformation.

Personally, this transition feels a little like we are between worlds. The systemic framework that controlled our lives for so long has been removed, but the change hasn’t yet manifested in full in the physical world around us. The process of reforming former corporations into worldwide co-operatives will no doubt take time, but we already have the lawful power to reject the old system. And yet it hasn’t stopped pretending to be real.

We have so many decisions to make too! What will we choose to BE and DO in the new world? What opportunities will we create with the CVACs framework? And realistically, what will we do with the “Powers That Were”?

  • Freedom is not free. It comes with responsibility.
  • Change starts with you.
  • Do the right thing now.
  • Embrace your responsibility.
  • Spread the word.


S04-UCC, the Bible of Commerce

Previous article

The UCC is the “bible” of commerce; it precisely dictates the manner in which international trade and commerce should be enacted. In fact, the entire commercial system pivots around UCC law. In the United States, if your mortgage is foreclosed on or your car is repossessed, the bank uses the UCC process to do so.

UCC imageWhile UCC law remains the domain of corporations and their operatives, one of the trustees of OPPT was professionally involved in UCC law for some time, and understands intimately how the “Powers That Were” manipulated the UCC to control the United States financial system at a very high level.

UCC expert, mother, and OPPT spearhead Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf used the foreclosure of her own home as a test case. She challenged the foreclosure through UCC process, and in doing so discovered – put very simply – that the U.S. court system invariably supports the corporate system.

Not surprising really, given that 99% of our laws relate to ownership… or commerce.

After exercising extreme prudence, the OPPT concluded that the corporations operating under the guise of the people’s governments and financial systems were committing treason against the people of this planet without the people’s knowing, willing and intentional consent. The final report from the investigation can be found here.

So… in order to foreclose on “the system”, the Trustees of OPPT set a trap using the legal structure provided to them BY “the system”.

A Note on the Reach of the UCC

The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) was first published in 1952 to harmonize the law of sales and other commercial transactions across the USA, as well as actively discourage the use of legal formalities in making business contracts, to allow business to move forward without the intervention of lawyers or the preparation of elaborate documents. However, it is important to know that the nations and states of this world have somehow became legally registered corporations with the USA Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This means that all UCC Rulings are legally applicable to all nations’ corporate entities. and that every nations’ “employees” (citizens) are also recognized and treated as legal corporations and are registered as commercial ‘vessels’, whose ‘value’ can be traded an sold as chattel.

S03-When were our Governments corporatized?

Previous article

It all started with the introduction of the Reserve Bank system. When the Federal Reserve Act was implemented in the United States in 1913, Congressman Charles Lindberg warned the US Federal Reserve Bank of New York logoCongress in a Congressional Record dated, December 22, 1913 (vol. 51) that an inevitable consequence of instituting the Federal Reserve system was that – using their power to inflate and deflate an economy – corporations would take control.

In Congressman Lindbergh’s words: “From now on, depressions will be scientifically created”.

And they are. In 1929s, the “Powers That Were” deliberately crashed the stock market. How? Fluctuations in the stock market are driven by emotion. Prior to the 1929 crash, excitement was created in the market which created a period of inflation. Those in control unloaded their holdings at premium prices, then created a panic in the market. And as prices plummeted, they bought back their holdings at fire-sale prices – and eliminated their ailing competition in the process.

In short, the Great Depression was artificially generated so the large corporations that controlled the stock market could profit from lending governments the money required to recover from its orchestrated collapse. Sovereign nations were ultimately forced to sign onto debt agreements which, by their nature, could never be paid off. And as national debts began to mount, the “slavery by debt” paradigm was formalized… and corporations took control.

Today, Corporate Governments continue to masquerade as real government. The Reserve Bank system (which now dominates western economies) continues to drive periods of ‘market-boom’ and ‘market-bust’ by strategically tightening and relaxing the supply of money and credit. The current Global Financial Crisis is a perfect example. And all the while, establishment Media plays its part by influencing the emotion of the stock market and facilitating political untruths.

But the complex campaign undertaken by the OPPT has forced the corporate system into foreclosure. All corporations, including Government and Banking systems, have been rendered extinct using their own mechanisms of commercial regulation. Lawfully speaking, it’s a case of out with the old trusts and in with the new!

So is this the “Overthrow Of Government”?

No – it is the overthrow of the corporations who have until now masqueraded as government. If you understand that “governments” are actually corporations that have overwritten the constitutions of sovereign nations by stealth, their demise can only be seen as long overdue.

OPPT-LogoThe fraud of government is real. And finally – by their failure to rebut the UCC claims – the entire corporate government complex stands guilty of fraud, treason and slavery. By international law, the OPPT has the right to claim remedy on behalf of the One People for those crimes. They chose to foreclose on and terminate the corporations, banks and governments responsible, and to confiscate all assets and infrastructures of these entities – including all the gold and silver held as assets by the banking system – and place them in the hands of
the One People.

Don’t think of it as an overthrow, think of it as the recovery of stolen property. The actions of the One People’s Public Trust essentially reclaim what is ours, as sovereign beings of this planet. Universal Law, Common Law and the UCC are now the governing law of the planet.

(I will later describe in detail the mechanisms implemented by the OPPT to replace the necessary functions of governance).

S01-One People’s Public Trust Lawfully Forecloses…

…Corporations, Banks and Governments for Operating Slavery and Private Money Systems

On February 17th, 2013, Andy Whiteley published a very long article about the One People’s Public Trust and its consequences. I had to start two or three times to read it as it is so huge, so I decided to split it in several parts and also translate it into French on my own site and republish it in German on a German blog. If you want to read the article in one peace, you can find it on clicking here.

OPPT_IN-BUSH_SNR1-300x300Many of you have heard… many have not. Announced publicly on 25 December 2012, the system of Corporate- Governmental rule has been foreclosed. Legally foreclosed… via one of its own mechanisms. The “Powers That Be” are now the “Powers That Were”. By its own reckoning, all debt has been erased and corporations – including but not limited to Corporate Governments and Banks – have been foreclosed.

Sure, they may continue to play along in hopes we will play along with them. But thanks to a series of UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) filings made by the One People’s Public Trust (known as OPPT) the choice is now yours to make. This has been ratified by the very ‘legal’ framework of our (former) corporate-controllers.

Systemically speaking… WE ARE FREE!!

One People’s Public Trust

The conclusion of legal actions taken by the OPPT have generated a lot of excitement. And rightly so! The potential for positive change it creates is MOMENTUS!

But before we get into the implications I’d like to present to you the “what happened” and “how” of the situation.

Corporate-controlled Government and corporate-controlled Media refuse to announce their own demise – for obvious reason. So as informed global citizens, I believe our role is to understand what happened and how, so that we can inform others… and finally start the process of worldwide change we’ve all been waiting for.

About the author:

Andy Whiteley 1Andy Whiteley is a former corporate manager turned writer, editor and co-founder of Wake Up World. An advocate of peaceful revolution, Andy believes we are on a necessary path (albeit bumpy) to a renewed social model grounded in love, transparency, individuality, sustainability and spirit. Through his role at Wake Up World, he hopes to have a positive influence on that transition.

Andy lives in the NSW Central Coast region (Australia) with his partner of 13 years, WuW co-founder Ryan Mullins, and spends his (scarce) free time keeping fit and enjoying the beautiful nature reserves that sit, undisturbed, at their back door.

“Wake Up World, it’s Time to Rise and Shine!”

Please note: this article is not intended to provide legal advice.